Monday, December 12, 2011
Fun-Filled Jollibee Birthday Party
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Counting numbers in six languages
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Reclining Buddha
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Canal City
Canal City is in itself like a city within a city. But don't be misled by the name, Canal City is not actually a city per se, it is a just a big shopping complex with hundreds of internationally branded shops, cafe, and restaurants. It also serves as a venue for internationally acclaimed artists and acrobats. I happened to watch a circus during the golden week that amazingly kept my eyes glued on the performances.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Hakozaki Shrine

At the entrance of Hakozaki Shrine.
This is one of the three major shrines of Hachiman god, along with Iwashimizu Hachiman shrine (Kyoto)and Usa Hachiman shrine(Ooita). This shrine is dedicated to Emperor Oujin, Empress Jingu and Tamayorihime-no-mikoto. It was founded in 923, with the transfer of god from Daibu Hachiman shrine in Honami-gun, Fukuoka. Since the 12th century, as the role of Korokan (ancient guesthouse for diplomats) declined, this shrine became a busy juncture of overseas trading and has survived a series of fires from the Mongolian invasion. Numerous building structures, including the main hall, the worship hall, Sakuramon gate, Ichino-torii (gate) and wooden lantern, are designated as important cultural assets. Tamaseseri Festival and Hojoya Festival are held at this shrine every year and attract a lot of people. (Source:
Visita Iglesia thru the net
Friday, April 15, 2011
Shinkansen, Japan's Fastest Train
Friday, April 01, 2011
Kansai International Airport