Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Dream Travel Destination

I don't really understand why I wish to travel to Thailand and why I consider Thailand as my ultimate dream destination. I have long been asking this dream travel from my husband, he being the one to pay for all my travel expenses,yet I always go a "we'll see" answer, an uncertain answer actually. Fortunately, in one of our recent casual conversation about this dream travel, he finally permitted me to go. I was extremely delighted and surprised! One condition was set though, that is, I will go to Thailand early part of next year. My over excitement about this future travel got me to do some research about the place and all other stuffs. Whew, I hope things will push through. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Good luck to me. Doris


  1. I'll be going there this December together with my family. I know it will be fun.


  2. I have been to Bangkok and it's absolutely a great travel destination. I have enjoyed shopping there.


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