Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Money Making With MYLOT

Mylot is so far the best site for me, both for money making and information-gathering. I have been a member of Mylot for more than a year now and it was only recently when I earned my first payout. With many interesting topics discussed on Mylot, I had the pleasure of reading more of the posts than responding to it. I also became enthusiastic looking at the beautiful photos uploaded that I have neglected uploading photos myself to jack up my earnings. I was not so conscious of the earnings at first, and it’s all written in fact in some of my responses. It was only lately when I got challenged to finally reach the payout at the end of this month. This challenge came after I have responded to one of the discussions in “make extra money” about having received a payout. I congratulated the one who started the discussion for that and I also mentioned in the same post that my earnings haven’t reached the minimum payout yet. The author of that post commented saying that she wondered why I haven’t received a payout – the fact that I had around 379 posts. Adding more insult to me, she even mentioned that she has received her payout many times. It was through her comment that made me think twice. I was about to do some serious Mylotting activities when my internet connection encountered some problems during the first three weeks (1st to 3rd week) of last month. It was only recently when I really made money in Mylot even if I go online for an hour, or two hours the most and not everyday. Got to share some of the Mylotting lessons I learned: If you are thinking of earning serious money in Mylot, never respond to a topic which you least or don’t even know. It will waste your time. Be brief and concise when responding but never limit your answers to less than four sentences, otherwise you will not be paid. Upload more photos for this is the sure way to increase your earnings. Contrary to what many Mylotters say, there is limit in the number of photo uploads. (See below) Reaching the $10 payout: Start a worthy discussion which can be answered by anybody. Never forget to add an image on it. The discussion started and the image uploaded are both income generating. Comment, reply, thank or acknowledge all those who responded to your post. The more responses you get, the more income you get. But remember, always have at least four sentences for each reply. A one-liner will never earn you money. Post as many photos as you can until you reach the maximum number of photo upload (the maximum uploads is 25 photos). You can do it in just an hour. Uploading photo was my secret weapon in reaching my payout faster. Below is my sample computation of how to earn money. This may not be accurate but somehow this is factual as this was based on my own earnings. Sample Computation: Start 6 discussion with image = $.12
15 Responses to discussion started = .15 15 Comments on responses = .15 15 Responses to other discussions = .15
TOTAL EARNINGS/2 hours* $.57 25 Photo Uploads = .25 If you spend 6 hours in the internet, most probably, you will reach your payout in just 6 days. ($.57 x 3 = 1.71 + .25= 1.96). * It may vary on the internet connection speed, typing speed and number of responses to discussion started Guide to upload photos at the least possible time: Take pictures of anything. Start taking pictures of the things inside your house. In my case, the first objects which I photographed were my novels, food, makeup, perfumes, bags, and electronic gadget. Then, I took photos of what I saw outside my house like plants and flowers in my garden. I literally took pictures of all the objects in and out of house. After exhausting all the objects in my comfort zone, I broadened my picture-taking events to department store, playgrounds, parks and any place I go. Transfer camera or mobile phone images to computer and arrange pictures according to interest. Make a folder for each interest and arrange your photos according to interest. Label each photo. If your photo is properly labeled, then it will be easier to give the details and description of each photo. When all pictures are set in its respective folder, you can now log on to Mylot. Go to “interests”, and then open the “my interest” page. Choose an interest that corresponds to your photos ( examples: Gardening and Shopping). In the list of interests, point your cursor to Gardening, right click and open in a new window. When the Gardening interest is opened, point your cursor to “upload photo” , right click, and open five new tabs. Here you will be uploading 5 photos faster. In the other window, in our example shopping, open also five new tabs. Keep uploading photos until you reach the maximum photo uploads. gardening start a new discussion photo filename photo subject gardening photo details Please be as descriptive as possible. The more details you can provide for your photos, the better! photo tags separated by commas gardening you have reached your photo upload maximum. please try again later. By uploading a photo, you confirm that 1) the photo is not pornographic in nature, 2) you have the rights to digitally distribute the photo you are uploading, and 3) you give myLot the right to publicly display the photo. You can even start a new discussion or respond to discussions while waiting for your photos to be uploading but make sure to open a new window for discussion, otherwise your photos will be improperly uploaded to a different interest. Having found this technique, I am clear-cut confident that I will be having a minimum monthly payout of $10 each month. Not quite bad after all. If you are not yet a member of Mylot, I bet you should start signing up. If you have a blog, Mylot is a great source of prospective visitors to your blog and eventually a good way of increasing your site traffic. You will not only earn money in Mylot, you will also learn many things. It’s in Mylot that I learned the many money making sites and activities. Good luck to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. hello buddy good work even i was writing for long time but i dont no the calculation thats cool tks..good work..keep up..so visit my blog to..


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